When To Know You Need An Acid Reflux Surgeon

By Sarah Stevens

Due to certain habits and lifestyle choices, people tend to over estimate the capacity of their body. Heartburn, as common as it sounds, may have different levels of severity that can affect daily living. While there are medications that can keep the acid reflux at bay, there are some cases when even medicine does not work.

Yes antacids are available over the counter but severe cases require surgical attention. This is why getting a Morrilton AR acid reflux surgeon can be useful when worst come to the worst. Lifestyle and certain habits are greatly taken into account as to why a person may need this type of surgery.

The signs that you have GERD or gastroesophagael reflux disease can be caused by eating harmful and trigger foods way too much. These are dishes with a lot of fat, spice and citrus in it. Intake of sodas and carbonated beverage at excessive rates may also cause this. Alcohol and smoking are also some of the culprits. How sad that the things many people enjoy are the bane of their gastroesophagael health.

What happens is that the lower esophagael sphincter or LES is not able to open and close properly anymore. This makes the acid come through from the stomach resulting to acid reflux. Other symptoms are swallowing difficulties, heart burn, soar throat and that acid taste that keeps on reoccurring.

First there is a need to change your lifestyle, especially when you are starting to have constant bouts of acid regurgitation to your throat. Cut drinking alcohol and smoking. Maybe not entirely but keep it at a minimum. Also eat healthier cutting the fat and oil intake.

This is also common with people who are obese. This may be because the extra fat puts pressure on the stomach forcing the acid to go up from to the esophagus thus increasing heartburn. There many methods of diagnosing GERD. One is through an upper endoscopy method where tubing is inserted through the throat to get a look inside the stomach. The tube has a light and camera attached to it. During this process, samples of tissue are also obtained, a biopsy.

Surgical methods can range from single incision laparoscopy to open surgery. Most would prefer the single incision option since the scarring is not that severe. There are many other benefits to this method including the lesser risks of infection from the contaminants found in the air that may dry out the insides. This complication is more likely to happen with open surgeries.

When laparoscopic fundoplication is not available, open surgery is always an option. This is just as effective but does not have the benefits of laparoscopy. The incision would be huge and there would be a scar. Unlike the other option which only has only a single incision. Without exposing your insides to the bacteria swarming around the air.

The patients that undergo operating procedures are then admitted to for one to three days. The doctors then make sure that there is no nausea, vomiting and are able to tolerate drinking liquids. Since a difficulty in swallowing occurs almost immediately after surgery patients need to be on a liquid diet for two to eight weeks.

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