4 Helpful Facts About Thermoform Plastics & Recycling

By Lenna Stockwell

Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Those three words have significant meaning in our world as we try to lessen the amount of waste on our planet. Thermoform plastics are some of the most widely used materials on our planet, and while many people worry about the excess of plastic, there are many aspects of thermoformed plastics that make them quite sustainable.

1. Recycling Is Easy With Thermoform Plastic

Virtually every type of thermoformed plastic can be recycled, in theory, however some are easier to recycle than others. Most curbside recycling programs in the United States allow both high-density polyethylene, known as HDPE, and polyethylene terephthalate, known as PET or PETE. These plastics can be used to create everything from custom food packaging to bags to water bottles.

If you are a manufacturer that needs custom food packaging or another type of packaging, these two thermoplastics might be excellent choices to consider, as consumers can simply use your product and then toss it into their recycling bin. While other types of plastics are recyclable, these two are the easiest for Americans to recycle.

2. Thermoformed Plastics & Reduce Package Sizes

Unlike cardboard, aluminum or glass, thermoplastics are quite easy to form into almost any shape. This means you can use less packaging and still provide plenty of protection for a product. A thermoforming company can create a custom food packaging or product packaging design that truly limits the amount of materials needed overall. This provides companies with the opportunity to reduce plastic use and provide consumers with recyclable packaging at the same time.

3. Consider The Weight Factor

Shipping costs are exorbitant, and every time we ship something via truck, train, ship or airplane, precious fossil fuels are used and more pollution is created. Using thermoform plastic can help reduce the use of these fossil fuels and lessen pollution simply because these materials are very lightweight. For instance, if your packaging is lightweight, you can fit more products onto a truck before you reach its weight limit. This means fewer trips are needed to move a larger number of products. This also saves money as you won't have to pay for as much shipping as you would if you used heavier packaging.

4. Recycled Content and Bioplastics Might Be Alternatives

While synthetic thermoform plastics make up the majority of materials used for items such as custom food packaging, there are some exciting new options to consider. For instance, you might opt for packages make with recycled content or perhaps opt to have your packaging or products formed out of starch-based bioplastics. These are few of the latest thermoformed plastics options that are worth your consideration as you search for the most sustainable options for packaging.

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