Information Before You Buy A Frenchie Dog

By Betty Reynolds

Having a pet is one of the greatest joys and challenges anyone can have. In place of human companionship, nothing can beat a pet in this regard. Many in fact have taken to either having a cat or a dog, and you may have insisted on the latter. In fact some of your friends may have recommended a frenchie dog for your pet. Before you do get one in Ohio, read this article for some more information.

The dog is in question is basically a French bulldog, and according to the American Kennel Club, is the sixth most popular breed in the United States to date. The ancestry of this breed can be traced down the mastiff lines used in bull baiting in ancient Greece. This blood sport was very popular during ancient times, and the breed was widely distributed by Phoenician traders. Once the sport was outlawed, the out of work mastiffs were domesticated as pets.

In terms of personality, this breed has a playful, smart and adaptable one. It does demand quite a lot of attention and likes to be the center of it. If it feels it is not getting enough attention it will create a slow ululating sound. This is what most people would call as the French death yodel. Owners of this breed also find the females as being quite protective of their young and those that they care about.

In terms of energy, most will say it is about medium level in this area. However, it is quite capable of not moving for long periods of time and is quite suited for small space living in condominiums or urban apartments. Some may even say it is the best indoor dog around. It should however be always be taken for at least thirty minute daily walks for it to stretch.

It is a dog that is similar to the English bulldog except that it is smaller and has erect ears. It has a more compact body with a wider girth and smaller legs. It however, lacks the aggressive alpha nature of its English cousin and can be left alone with other small animals and small children.

The breed will have a few health complications due to its physical make up. A snub nose alongside a smaller airway gives the breed difficulty in regulating body temperatures. Since it has a fairly thin fur coat, this makes the situation worse. One should not take this breed as a pet if one lives in extreme temperature climates of hot or cold, simply for the fact that it will prove fatal.

The lifespan of this dog on average is not very long, in fact is quite short. It only lives an average of eight to ten years. With proper diet and nutrition, and constant health checkups its lifespan can be expected to live a bit more longer.

Some important elements of what you need to know about this breed has been covered in this article. There are of course other elements you need to know about this dog so as to help you make an informed decision.

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