Sharing A Read Aloud Childrens Book Is One Of The Best Things You Can Do For Your Child

By Anthony West

Today it is not unusual for a toddler to know how to play computer games and work their parents' smart phones. Some are allowed to spend hours playing with other electronics or watching television. While this may keep them occupied, it not a plan that is recommended by most doctors, psychologists, and educators. Most will strongly urge parents to take the time to share a read aloud childrens book on a regular basis with their little ones.

Carving special time for reading to children can make all the difference to little ones. They look forward to having all their parent's attention for a short time and really enjoy listening to the stories they hear. Parents get a lot out of the time as well. They can relax and just spend a little of the day thinking about nothing but the stories they are reading. Kids love for adults to play act with funny voices and facial expressions that make the stories even more exciting.

Most small children are incredibly curious and have an innate love of learning. Books that illustrate the alphabet in fun and engaging ways help youngsters associate letters with pictures. They will begin to spell after a while without even knowing they are doing it. Small children are like sponges, they absorb everything around them.

Regular reading sessions increase a child's vocabulary quickly and efficiently. If a parent senses a little one is struggling to understand a phrase or concept, the adult should ask questions and explain what is going on in the story in a way the child can grasp. The more children are talked to and with, the easier it is for them to incorporate new vocabulary into their normal speech.

It may seem unlikely or even impossible to believe, but some children who have not been exposed to books don't even understand what the front and back of a book is. They don't understand the concept of turning from one page to another. It is a sad fact that some kids have never seen or held an actual book before they get to school.

Listening is a skill that must be learned. One of the easiest ways to teach the lesson is by reading to young children. If parents engage their children in the process and get them excited, it will not be difficult for them to sit quietly and listen to the story. This can be a great way to slow them down and get them ready to sleep.

Parents who set good examples by reading themselves usually have readers for children. These adults tend to have better language skills that they pass along to their children. Youngsters with good language skills in turn communicate better with others, which can lead to success in later life. Being able to communicate well is critical in today's world.

Sharing the experience and love of reading with a child enriches the life of the adult who reads and the child who listens. It is a treasured experience that lasts a lifetime.

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